Opened 15 years ago

Last modified 12 years ago

#10 new defect

Motolov fire sound does not appear near burn location

Reported by: pardner Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: Smokin' Guns 1.2
Component: Engine Version: 1.1b1
Keywords: Cc:


I found a bug relating to the fire sound from the Molotov. The best map for this is Elpaso, so:
1) Load Elpaso
2) Run to center of the town
3) Throw an Molotov anywhere
4) You will hear the fire sound coming from the bank!

After further investigation (aka opening ElPaso?'s .map file), the fire sound seem to be coming from (0,0,z) I cannot pin point the z-axis location but it is coming from 0 x-axis and 0 y-axis. The sound seems to be coming from above the bank, which is not 0 z-axis

Investigating br_durango, confirms the (0,0,z). Again, I cannot pin point the z-axis.

I can check the map file and get the (0,0,0) point for any map if need be.

Attachments (2)

br_durango000.jpg (172.7 KB) - added by pardner 15 years ago.
br_durango (0,0,0)
br_elpaso000.JPG (173.9 KB) - added by pardner 15 years ago.
br_elpaso (0,0,0)

Download all attachments as: .zip

Change History (5)

Changed 15 years ago by pardner

Attachment: br_durango000.jpg added

br_durango (0,0,0)

Changed 15 years ago by pardner

Attachment: br_elpaso000.JPG added

br_elpaso (0,0,0)

comment:1 Changed 15 years ago by sg_tequila

Can you confirm this with v1.1b2 ? I just tried and I hear the sound at the right place: on the left when it is on my left, on the right when it is on my right? In ElPaso? when I'm between bank and the fire I always hear the fire in the right direction.

Some OpenAL fixes has been integrated since v1.1b1, maybe it is fixed. Otherwise, tell use which sound system you're using.

comment:2 Changed 15 years ago by dbozan99

This Appears to effect all weapons (and perhaps all sounds) actually (with OpenAL on). The most noticeable of which are the Molotov's and Lit dynamite (in somebody's hand).

The problem seems to be that the sound's are created, but not following the player's location.

For example, if you hear somebody while they are reloading and moving, the reload sound continues to play from where they first started, even though they may be nowhere near it now.

The Molotov's and player's holding dynamite sound, seems to be creating but perhaps is getting some sort of invalid number so it just puts it at (0,0,whatever)

comment:3 Changed 12 years ago by tequila

Milestone: Smokin' Guns 1.1Smokin' Guns 1.2

What's the status of this bug in Smokin'Guns 1.1 ?

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