Opened 12 years ago

#57 new defect

Game package on desura is broken

Reported by: barto Owned by:
Priority: critical Milestone:
Component: Other Version: 1.1
Keywords: Cc:


I prefer to quote directly from IRC:

[13:37:21] <panzino> A friend and I got the game from desura
[13:37:27] <panzino> if you have dl enabled in the game
[13:37:43] <panzino> it will dl at about 5 kbps
[13:37:55] <panzino> This apparently has something to do with it being in the desura folder
[13:38:08] <panzino> took it out and dl directly from the site and it works fine full dl
[13:38:28] <panzino> also the distro on desura says 1.1 but the sg_pak0 file is 170M not the 378M of the right one
[13:38:35] <panzino> This causes problems when you try to connect to the servers
[13:38:42] <panzino> It needs to be updated that distro at desura

So it seems this version of the game is broken and that you cannot download in-game via the http protocol.

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