Opened 11 years ago

#61 new enhancement

avoid player to change team to earn money

Reported by: barto Owned by:
Priority: normal Milestone: Smokin' Guns 1.2
Component: Gameplay and Balance Version: 1.2dev
Keywords: money, team Cc:


Some players are getting some extra money by changing team right before the end of the round in br. They change to the winning team, get the extra money and go back to the main team right after (or they just don't change).

I am seeing 2 possible ways to maybe fix this:
a) Don't give any money to the player that changed team on the first round end he plays as the new team. We shouldn't forget about cases where a player joins the game. Upon giving money, just evaluate if they are elligible for it.

b) Give money according the starting team-balance state. Save which player was in which team at the beggining of the round and give money according to it. Update the list upon a new round.

I prefer myself solution b) since it will give money to players that actually played the map. It also look simpler to implement even if I haven't had an eye in the code for it.

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